DC/17/2524 Micklepage, Nuthurst: Result

FANTASTIC NEWS. The retrospective “minor material amendments” application for these three large 4/5 bed houses was UNANIMOUSLY REFUSED at HDC’s Planning Committee meeting.

REASON: Contravened the Parish’s Neighbourhood Plan.

Many thanks to everyone who took the time to submit objections. Numbers matter. JUSTICE was seen to be done.

HDC Decision Letter

Fantastic news – Church Road appeal dismissed

The Planning Inspector has dismissed the developer’s appeal against Horsham District Council’s refusal of planning permission to build three large detached houses at Church Road, Mannings Heath. The main reason for dismissing the appeal was that the development breached Policy 10 of the Neighbourhood Plan because the bulk and scale of the houses would be detrimental to the character and appearance of the area and would not reflect the scale, density and massing of surrounding buildings. You can read the Inspector’s report here:


Nuthurst Parish Design Statement Adopted

Horsham District Council has adopted our Parish Design Statement as a Supplementary Planning Document. It will now be used by Planning Officers alongside HDC’s Development Framework and our Neighbourhood Plan when considering planning applications. This is good news as it will help to make sure new developments fit in well with the largely rural nature of the Parish.

Read the HDC letter here

Find the Parish Design Statement here